yavor kolev Apps

Chronometer 1.0
yavor kolev
With this application you can measure time intervals from 1millisecond to 99 999 days or more than 270 years. You able safelyto doing all you want with the device, including rotation while theapplication is started, because the measuring of time from pressingthe "Start" button is independent from others activities of thedevice. Time intervals are stored on each time you press "Stop",they are saved even when the application is closed. The bothoptions over the saved times are "Delete" and/or "Edit" to applychanges you must press "Update". The number "Run" is counter ofeach time interval from the installation of application, you ableto delete it only if you uninstall the application date, this willdelete all saved time intervals! The options are: Start/Stop,Pause/Resume;
Flash To Bang 1.0
yavor kolev
This application is based on the method "Flash to bang" from whereis, the name. This method calculates the distance from you to thelightning ,based on time between lightning and the sound on currentlightning. The time is based on speed of sound in air, but itdepends a lot from air temperature. The temperature range forselection in the application is between [1;46] Celsius or [33;121]Fahrenheit. The distance to the lightning is calculated in threemeasurement units for length: Meters, Feets and Yards. Instructionfor using: - This application is for Android 3.0 or higher! - Forproper calculation of distance you must to: -- First: Select theair temperature from drop down menu top right! -- Second: Press thebutton "Press at: Flash/Lightning" as soon as you see theflash(lightning)! -- Third: Press the button "Press at:Bang/Thunder"as soon as you hear the sound of thunder from relevantlightning! Congratulation you have the distance in the list, whichis empty by default. Бenefits and issues: - After pressing thebutton "Press at: Flash/Lightning" (vibrate 75 milliseconds) thescreen is kept always on to pressing of button "Press at:Flash/Lightning" (vibrate 150 milliseconds). - If you forget topress the button "Press at: Bang/Thunder" after "Press at:Flash/Lightning" you will reach to the end of the timer it's 2minutes and 59 seconds and the time will be stopped appears message"Reached END of the timer 2 min. and 59 sec.!!!" and will vibratefor 300 milliseconds, reset timer to zero and screen to normalmode, not always ON. - The chosen temperature is kept even afterthe closing of the application. - Don't forget when the temperatureis different you must to change it manually. - The selectedtemperature disappears only when you reinstall the app. or using"Clear data" of the application. - Can't select differenttemperature while timer is in progress! - The distance is savedonly after pressing the button "Press at: Bang/Thunder" even afterthe closing of the application. - The only one way to close it islike slide it from the all processes of the device, no button EXIT.- You can delete the results with the distances, one by one fromthe list by click over it or when you reinstall the app. or from"Clear data" of the application. - The thing you able to doing withthe resulting items (distances) is delete and/or update, meanupdate of the texts or delete the whole item from list. - Thesequence number is by default you can't delete it or change it.it's start from zero when install the application and is keptalways, with exception when you reinstall or "Clear data" of theapplication. Thanks in advance for any feedback with issues and/oradvices. The whole project Flash-To-Bang is Java with Android SDKfor Eclipse is open source and is uploaded:https://github.com/yavorkolev/flashtobang.git